
Cannot select a record for update when the transaction is not started on the user connection attached. You need to begin transaction on the user connection first. in d365F&O

 Hi Viewers, I have recently faced this error while working on the standard report. In standard DP class temp table has userconnection. So whlie updating I got below error. Cannot select a record for update when the transaction is not started on the user connection attached. You need to begin transaction on the user connection first. in d365F&O. To fix this use  <TmpTablebufferName>.ttsBegin();  <TmpTablebufferName>.ttscommit(); Example:         VendAccruedPurchasesTmp vendAccruedPurchasesTmp;   VendAccruedPurchasesTmp.ttsbegin();         while select  forupdate VendAccruedPurchasesTmp                 where VendAccruedPurchasesTmp.ItemId != ''                 &&                  VendAccruedPurchasesTmp.AVACIProcurementCategory == ''             //...

Records to include in SSRS Report With UI Builder class

 Hi Viewers, Records to include Tab will not shown in the SSRS report if the report is generated along with the UI Builder class. If you want Record to include a tab in Report. Please create a query and add it to the DP class. And enable dynamic filters to Yes in report dataset properties. Create a query. Add it to the DP class in the attribute. Restore or add to the data set in the report. change dynamic filters to Yes. Note: If you restore the dataset in the existing report. then sometimes you may get the ' the count of parameters not matched ' error while the report is deployed. In that case, create a new design and try again.

Multi select lookup in UI Builder class in D365F&O through x++ code.

 Hi Viewers, Below is the code sample for Multi-select lookup in the SSRS report by UI builder class. In this example, I am using  UI builder class - ItemListUIBuilder Contact class - ItemListContract DP class - ItemListDP In the contract class add a list-type parameter, as shown below. Contract class must decorated with attributes as shown below. give the ULBuilder class name to SysOperationContractProcessingAttribute [ DataContractAttribute,     SysOperationContractProcessingAttribute(classStr(ItemListUIBuilder))] class ItemListContract {   List                        ItemIDList;   [   DataMemberAttribute,         AifCollectionTypeAttribute("Item Id", Types::String)      ]     public List parmItemIdList(List _ItemIDList = ItemIDList)     {       ItemIDList = _ItemIDList;       return ItemIDLis...

Limitations of Data entity in D365F&O - Errors while exporting data entity with Unmapped fields on skip staging table - Import of 'Order lines' failed because the input column specified was not found in the entity mapping. Please add the column(s) in the mapping and try again.

Hi viewers welcome to my blog. If you facing below error : Infolog for job 'Export process: Return order test' (5643776059) Infolog for task Move to staging from target: Import of  %1 failed because the input column specified was not found in the entity mapping. Please add the column(s) in the mapping and try again. Please check any un mapped field in entity, if yes have to export with out skipping the staging table. please check the below screen shot.  If entity contains unmapped fields then we cannot export the data with skipping staging table.   

Custom label layouts and printing In D365 F&O

 Custom label layouts and printing In D365 F&O  Prerequisites To use custom label layouts, you must be running Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management version 10.0.33 or later. You don't have to use Feature management to enable the feature. Set up your system to show a Print button for custom labels Follow these steps to set up your system to automatically show a  Print  button on pages that handle data that a custom label is available for. Go to  Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse management parameters . On the  Reports  tab, on the  Custom labels  FastTab, set the  Display custom label print buttons  option to  On all forms . Set up the data source for a custom label Follow these steps to define the data source that's used for a custom label and then select it in your label layout. Go to  Warehouse management > Setup > Document routing > Label layout data source . Follow one of these steps...