Cannot select a record for update when the transaction is not started on the user connection attached. You need to begin transaction on the user connection first. in d365F&O
Hi Viewers, I have recently faced this error while working on the standard report. In standard DP class temp table has userconnection. So whlie updating I got below error. Cannot select a record for update when the transaction is not started on the user connection attached. You need to begin transaction on the user connection first. in d365F&O. To fix this use <TmpTablebufferName>.ttsBegin(); <TmpTablebufferName>.ttscommit(); Example: VendAccruedPurchasesTmp vendAccruedPurchasesTmp; VendAccruedPurchasesTmp.ttsbegin(); while select forupdate VendAccruedPurchasesTmp where VendAccruedPurchasesTmp.ItemId != '' && VendAccruedPurchasesTmp.AVACIProcurementCategory == '' //...