
Showing posts from September, 2023

Limitations of Data entity in D365F&O - Errors while exporting data entity with Unmapped fields on skip staging table - Import of 'Order lines' failed because the input column specified was not found in the entity mapping. Please add the column(s) in the mapping and try again.

Hi viewers welcome to my blog. If you facing below error : Infolog for job 'Export process: Return order test' (5643776059) Infolog for task Move to staging from target: Import of  %1 failed because the input column specified was not found in the entity mapping. Please add the column(s) in the mapping and try again. Please check any un mapped field in entity, if yes have to export with out skipping the staging table. please check the below screen shot.  If entity contains unmapped fields then we cannot export the data with skipping staging table.